Uniforms for Mail Contractors

The Shadow Minister for Communications, Senator Stephen Conroy, pressed AP managers to respond to questions and points of interest to Mail Contractors during Senate Estimates hearings on 15 February 2005.

Following discussions recently with POAAL, one matter that Senator Conroy raised was that of Australia Post uniforms being made available to Mail Contractors.

In response to questions in Senate Estimate sessions in 2003 AP noted that one of the reasons for their demands that Contractors become incorporated was so that Contractors would be able to access the AP uniform.

Senator Conroy observed that corporate delivery staff and MessengerPost contractors wear AP uniforms, and asked if AP would extend the practice to mail contractors.  AP pointed out that while Contractors would not be "issued" with uniforms, its delivery arm should have a "consistent presentation" and AP has clothing available for contractors to purchase.

A copy of the transcript can be downloaded from the Parliament House website.
