Tasmanian Licensees are invited to a POAAL meeting in Launceston on Sunday 15 June.Date: Sunday 15 June 2008Time: 1:30pm startVenue: Heather Hall, cnr Penquite Rd & Robin St, Newstead, LauncestonJoin us for a Sunday afternoon of networking, learning and sharing. Meet fellow Licensees from all over Tasmania.POAAL's Tasmanian Branch Chairman, Ricki Walker, will host the meeting to discuss current issues for Licensees.Geoff Hyland from Australia Post will make a presentation on current postal matters. Geoff spoke at the recent POAAL National Conference, and we look forward to hearing the latest news from Geoff.If possible, please RSVP to the POAAL National Office by Thursday 12 June if you are attending. Fax 96544577, phone 96544533.