[caption id="attachment_6362" align="aligncenter" width="398"]
POAAL Tasmania Branch Chairman Lisa Cooper (left) with some of the Licensees at the POAAL meeting in Ross[/caption]Licensees from around Tasmania came to Ross for POAAL’s Christmas lunch. Geoff Hyland from Australia Post was our guest.After lunch, we discussed matters of importance to Licensees, including stock supply, diversifying business, pre-Christmas sales, security and Australia Post communications.We had an interesting discussion about Australia Post's confectionery lines. Tasmanian Licensees are stocking more and more of the confectionery range - with a corresponding increase in revenue. Geoff told Licensees about some of Australia Post¹s plans to further increase sales of confectionery lines. He also said that the roll-out of FlexiPOS to manual LPOs in Tasmania should be complete by the end of February 2015.Licensees also discussed security issues and the need to maintain vigilance. There is a very high rate of security compliance in Tasmania - a great effort by all Tasmanian Licensees. We can help protect our own and each other’s businesses by maintaining high security standards.