POAAL's NSW Branch is holding a Branch meeting for Mail Contractors on Tuesday 29 November.TIME: 6:00pmVENUE: Canterbury Hurlstone Park RSL Club, Segenhoe Room, 127 Crinan Street, Hurlstone Park.Please note that the Segenhoe Room has its own entrance.Free parking available directly opposite the venue in Crinan Street.Tea and coffee will be provided.The meeting is open to all POAAL members who have a mail contract with Australia Post. This includes street mail contractors, parcel contractors, MessengerPost contractors, RSD contractors, depot bags contractors, and contractors with any other sort of mail contract.This will be a great opportunity for networking with your fellow Contractors. Contractors will also be updated on National issues, and there will be a discussion of the recent changes to parcel fees proposed by Australia Post.There will also be a lucky door prize at the meeting. Bring your POAAL membership card to be eligible to win.If possible, please RSVP to the POAAL National Office so that we can have an idea of numbers attending the meeting, otherwise simply turn up on the night.We look forward to seeing you there.If you would like a POAAL meeting held in your area, please contact the POAAL National Office, or your nearest POAAL Mail Contractor contact (listed in Postal News).