POAAL wishes all its Mail & Parcel Contractor members a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. And after delivering all that mail over recent weeks, we hope that you get a chance to put your feet up!POAAL's National Office will be closed on all public holidays over the Christmas and New Year period. On the other working days (including the AP authorised holiday!) the National Office will have reduced staffing levels and will be open from 10am to 4pm (Melbourne time). Our fax machine will be stocked with plenty of paper for those who wish to send us a fax!Insurance: if any Contractors or prospective Contractors need to arrange or amend insurance cover between Christmas and New Year, our Insurance Brokers, GWS Genco Group, will have someone on call. Contact the POAAL National Office for details, or ring GWS Genco Group on 1300 881 229 or email GWS Genco Group at admin@gwsins.com.