POAAL membership 06/07

Membership and insurance renewal forms have been sent to Mail & Parcel Contractor members of POAAL, including details of how you could win $1000 fuel!Pay your 2006/07 POAAL membership and Public Liability, Personal Accident, Marine Cargo or PDT insurance by 16 June 2006 and you will go into the draw to win $1000 fuel.*Insurance brokers GWS Genco Group have made available two $1000 fuel vouchers - one for Mail & Parcel Contractors and one for Licensees - for POAAL members paying their membership fee and insurance by 16 June 2006.This year POAAL members can access $20m public liability insurance for less than last year's premium. Great value for POAAL members. Some of the other savings available to POAAL members:

  • Increased capital benefits for the personal accident insurance policy
  • Marine Cargo policy - $100,000 cover for less than the premium for a $50,000 policy
  • PDT insurance still at the same low rate - that's less than the rate in 2002/03!

Insurance certificates will be provided for public liability, marine cargo and PDT insurance. Please ensure that you give AP a copy of your certificates and that you retain the original.A tax compliant invoice/receipt will also be issued, along with your POAAL membership card.The benefits of collective strength are yours when you renew your membership with POAAL.
