POAAL meets with Shadow Minister, Senator Minchin

Shadow Minister for Communications Senator Minchin

Senator Nick Minchin, the Shadow Minister for Communications, visited the POAAL National Office in Melbourne earlier this month. He and his adviser showed a keen interest in the business both of the Association and its members.Senator Minchin served as Minister for Finance in the previous federal government, and as such has some experience dealing with Australia Post.POAAL briefed Senator Minchin on matters of relevance to Licensees, Franchisees and Mail Contractors. Senator Minchin showed particular interest in product availability and margins for Licensees/Franchisees as well as transfer of business to corporate outlets. He recognises the role played in the wider postal network by Licensees, Agents, Franchisees and Contractors, and requested that he continue to be kept informed of industry matters impacting on POAAL members.
