POAAL Conference only days away!

Licensees and Mail Contractors from across Australia are packing their bags for the POAAL Conference being held in Christchurch, New Zealand!And delegates from New Zealand will be joining the Australians in Christchurch for this world-first international post office owners conference.Guest speakers include leading solicitor Graeme Halperin, insurance broker Cameron Bott and a representative of the Postal Industry Ombudsman. The Secretary of the NZ Post Franchisees Association will also be making a presentation.Exhibitors include Nation Wise will kits, Ambrosia retail products, and insurance brokers GWS Genco Group. There will also be a display of the latest mail sorting equipment technologies.Another highlight for New Zealand and Australian conference delegates will be the site visit to NZ Post's new mail centre in Christchurch, where the brand new mail sorting machines will be demonstrated. There will also be visits to local franchised Postshops.And, of course, there will be one of POAAL's popular LiPOMS Workshops!POAAL members who couldn't make it to this POAAL Conference can look forward to a report and plenty of photos appearing in the next edition of Postal News.
