Pay your 2015/16 POAAL membership and insurance online

POAAL 2015/16 membership and insurance renewal forms have been posted to Contractors.You can pay your 2015/16 membership and insurance by EFT, credit card, cheque or Money Order.You can even pay online – if you pay online there are no credit card fees. Here's how you do it:1. Go to Click on ACTIVATE YOUR ACCOUNT.3. Enter your unique activation code. (From the reverse of your POAAL form.)4. Enter your email address.5. Create a password (minimum 8 characters)6. Click on ACTIVATE ACCOUNT.You’ll then be able to check your contact details and select which insurance products you wish to take.Pay with either MasterCard or Visa. Remember: POAAL doesn't charge a credit card fee when you pay online!You can choose to pay via EFT - the system will give you a unique EFT code for you to use when making your funds transfer from your online banking. If you select this option you still need to do the funds transfer from your online banking, using that unique EFT code as the reference.We’ll then email your receipt and certificates to your email address – so make sure you enter your correct email address!If you have misplaced your form, or if you'd like to receive information on POAAL membership, contact us here or ring us on 03 96544533 (office hours, Melbourne time).
