New Australia Post Performance Standards

The Federal Government has announced today that new Australia Post Performance Standards will take effect from 15 April 2024. Under the regulatory changes, the delivery of ordinary letters will take place every second business day, rather than every business day.

The Australian Postal Corporation (Performance Standards) Regulations 2019 have been amended so that:

  • For 98 per cent of locations within Australia, ordinary letters will be delivered every second day (rather than every day)
  • Australia Post has an extra day to deliver ordinary letters across Australia
  • Australia Post can change the way it manages priority mail so it can deliver services at a more commercial rate and work with customers to set appropriate terms and conditions
  • The geographic classification for Post Office outlets has been updated to more accurately reflect recent population changes.

Australia Post says the change to ordinary letter delivery will be implemented progressively across Australia through to the end of 2025.

These changes will not reduce the minimum number of post offices Australia Post is obliged to have in its network.

The reforms follow the "Postal Services Modernisation" consultation in 2023. POAAL made a detailed submission to the consultation and engaged in many conversations over the past 12 months with the Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development, Communications and the Arts, as well as the Minister's office.
