Motor vehicle insurance

Do you have commercial vehicle insurance for the vehicle you use for your contract?Does your insurer know that your vehicle is used for commercial purposes? If you haven't told your insurer that your vehicle is used for delivery or courier purposes, then the insurer may refuse to pay any claim you make.Is it worth skimping on insurance if you might be unable to make a claim? Are you prepared to throw away money on insurance?"General Exclusions" exist on almost all policies. The following is taken from the policy wording from a major private vehicle insurer:

    If you do not tell us the following we may refuse or reduce a claim, or cancel your Policy:
  • you change the way you use your vehicle
  • you hire out your vehicle
  • your vehicle is not in good order and repair

POAAL's insurance broker, GWS Genco Group, has negotiated a commercial vehicle insurance policy for POAAL's Mail & Parcel Contractor members.Contact GWS Genco Group today on 1300 881 229 for a quote on commercial vehicle insurance. (Mobile phones should call 03 8420 8700.)
