A Meet 'n Eat meeting for Mail & Parcel Contractors will be held in Melbourne on Tuesday 28 March.Join us for a meal, some shop talk and an interesting guest speaker.DATE: Tuesday 28 March 2006TIME: 6pmVENUE: Preston Club Hotel (Function Room), 402 Bell Street PRESTON(Melway ref 30 F1)The Club offers a $15 carvery meal.A representative from the MCP Group will talk on company structures and other aspects of incorporation - of interest to all Contractors who are incorporated or who are about to form a company!Ian from the POAAL National Office will be attending and will update you on National Contractor issues.Bring your POAAL membership card - there will be a lucky door prize drawn from POAAL members who have their card with them on the night.This is an evening dedicated to Mail & Parcel Contractors - don't miss it!Remember: expenses for attending this meeting (including travelling costs to and from and the meal itself) are a tax deduction. Keep all receipts and documentation for tax purposes.Please RSVP by phone (if possible) to the POAAL National Office on 96544533 so that we have an idea of numbers attending.