The POAAL WA Branch invites Licensees and Mail Contractors to a Meet 'n Eat in Kendenup on Sunday 15 May.TIME: 10am for Mail Contractors, shared barbecue or picnic lunch at noon, followed by a Licensee meeting at 1pm.VENUE: Kendenup Hall, Hassell Avenue, KendenupDennis Jenner will be present at the meeting to update members on national Licensee and Mail Contractor issues and to listen to your views.Join us for a barbecue lunch (BYO snags, bread, etc), or if you prefer bring your own picnic lunch, and chat with your fellow Licensees and Mail Contractors.There will be a lucky door prize at the meting, so remember to bring along your POAAL membership card.RSVP by 13 May to the POAAL National Office by fax on 03 96544577.