Latest news on AUSTRAC fees

POAAL today met with senior AUSTRAC representatives regarding the proposed AUSTRAC fees. POAAL took the opportunity to forcefully explain the detailed reason for our opposition to the introduction of any fees.It is POAAL's position that no fees should be imposed on post offices at all - whether upon Licensees or Australia Post. If Australia Post is forced to pay fees to AUSTRAC, these fees could be clawed back from Licensees in the form of reduced commissions.If the Government is genuine about wanting to recover costs for AUSTRAC, then the only fair and transparent option is to impose a direct surcharge upon customers.POAAL has prepared a slightly revised pro forma letter that Licensees can use to write to the Minister for Home Affairs, Brendan O'Connor. The power to make a decision lies with the Federal Government, and the Government must be made aware of the ramifications of imposing a new, unrecoverable fee.If you haven't written to the Minister, then please do so today. If you have already written to the Minister, thank you for your support.The Minister's contact details:The Hon Brendan O'Connor MPMinister for Home AffairsParliament HouseCANBERRA ACT 2600Fax: (02) 6277 7290 or (03) 8361 6577Download the pro forma letter. (PDF)Send a copy of your letter to your local Federal Member of Parliament - let them know how this fee could affect the services offered at your business. You may also choose to write to the Prime Minister or the Treasurer or your Senator. Make your voice heard!
