Following the Minister for Communication's recent announcement that AP will remain in public hands under a Coalition Federal Government, Senator Stephen Conroy (Labor's Shadow Minister for Communications) has stated that AP will remain in public ownership under a Labor federal government.Licensees and Contractors heard the Shadow Minister address the POAAL Branch Meeting in Sydney last Thursday, 8 November. He commented on the extraordinary work that Licensees and Contractors perform, from delivery mail to remote parts of Australia to providing over-the-couter retail services to their local communities.Senator Conroy announced that not only is the ALP committed to retaining Australia Post in public ownership, the ALP will not further deregulate Australia Post.During the course of his presentation, Senator Conroy touched on many issues of interest, including the relationship between AP and its Licensees and Contractors. He spoke with authority on issues facing Licensees and Contractors, and vowed to take an active interest in Australia Post should the ALP win government.
above: Senator Conroy (centre) with Licensees and Mail Contractors at the POAAL Branch meeting.Senator Conroy announced that the ALP will institute a Petrol Commissioner at the ACCC, with responsibility for pricing and competition issues relating to petrol.The Minister for Communications, Senator Helen Coonan, made a presentation at the POAAL NSW Branch meeting on 26 September. She noted Licensees' and Contractors' value to Australia Post.