Griffith meeting for Contractors - 28 October

POAAL will be holding a meeting for Mail & Parcel Contractors in Griffith, NSW. Contractors from Griffith and surrounds are invited to attend.When: Sunday 28th October 2007, commencing 10.30amWhere: Griffith Ex-Servicemen's Club.Dennis Jenner will be the speaker. Dennis is a POAAL Director and former Mail Contractor. He has extensive experience in delivery, running an LPO and was previously an Australia Post Manager. Get your questions ready for him!Meals are available at the club. There will be a Licensee session in the afternoon, so if you are also have a Licensed Post Office, you are welcome to attend that session too.RSVPs to the POAAL National Office would be appreciated.

Expenses for attending this meeting, including costs travelling to and fro, and any meal, are a tax deduction. Keep all receipts and documentation for tax purposes.
