The major issue facing Mail & Parcel Contractors across Australia is high fuel costs. Prices may have eased slightly recently, but this relief is likely to be only temporary. Contractors all over Australia have asked POAAL to lobby for the introduction of automated monthly fuel price reviews.The current system for Clause 10 fuel price reviews does not provide the flexibility needed to help Contractors meet their day-to-day fuel costs. Waiting three months for the fuel price to vary by an average 7% is excessive and puts Contractors under too much financial pressure.POAAL is lobbying for the introduction of automated monthly fuel price reviews. This way, Australia Post would vary the fuel cost component of the contract fee every month, according to the average monthly fuel price variation. No more paperwork, no waiting for Australia Post to approve a Clause 10 review. The system would be simple and fair.Lobbying - you can helpPOAAL has prepared a pro forma letter to the Minister for Broadband, Communications and the Digital Economy, Senator Stephen Conroy. You can use this letter as the bases for your own letter to the Minister, pushing for the introduction of automated fuel price reviews.Download: Pro forma letter (PDF 90kb)POAAL will be meeting with the Minister very soon - please add your support.