Interactive templates are available from the Workplace Ombudsman to help small businesses better manage their time and wages record keeping and payslip obligations under Australia's workplace relations laws.The free templates can be downloaded from the Workplace Ombudsman website and are recommended best practice models."If you employ workers under Commonwealth workplace relations laws you are legally required to keep accurate and complete time and wages records and to issue pay slips to every worker," said Workplace Ombudsman Nicholas Wilson."These obligations exist to ensure workers receive their correct wages and entitlements, and also protect both you and your employee if a compaint or dispute arises.""As the independent watchdog, it's our job to ensure the rights and obligations of both workers and employers are understood and enforced fairly."
Templates can be saved on your computer or printed for filing.Visit the Workplace Ombudsman small business portal at: is also available by calling the Workplace Ombudsman help line on 1300 724 200.