POAAL's SA/NT Branch will hold a LiPOMS Workshop in Darwin in June.When: Sunday 15 June 2008Where: Darwin RSL Club, 27 Cavenagh St, DarwinTime: 10:30am start
POAAL's Dennis Jenner, who has experience in both Corporate and LPOs,will lead a workshop and discussion on Annexure A of the LPO Agreement and LiPOMS payments.This workshop is free to POAAL members - bring your POAAL membership card as proof of membership. Licensees who are not financial POAAL members will be charged a $33 fee, payable either in advance to the POAAL National Office or on the day.RSVP to the POAAL National Office by fax on 03 96544577.Australian Photographic Engineering will also be on hand, displaying their Digital Kiosk and Digital Passport System.Meals are available at the RSL Club, ranging from $10 to $12.50.
Expenses for attending this meeting, including costs travelling to and fro, and any meal, are a tax deduction. Keep all receipts and documentation for tax purposes.