Changes to Australia Post delivery

Temporary changes to Australia Post's letter delivery service are being introduced. The Federal Government has granted these concessions to help respond to the fall in letter volumes and increase in parcel volumes attributed to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Parcel volumes are up about 80% compared to the same period last year, and letter volumes have fallen by 45%.

Letters in metropolitan areas will be delivered every other day. Delivery frequency in regional, rural and remote Australia will not change. Australia Post has told POAAL that PO Box letter deliveries will remain unchanged.

The priority letter service has been suspended.

Delivery standards will be extended, with delivery time for regular intrastate letters increased to five days after the day of posting.

These changes to the letters service will apply until 30 June 2021, subject to review. The regulation will take effect after approval of the Governor General at the Executive Council.

Australia Post says PDOs will be retrained to deliver parcels.
