Are you tendering for a mail contract?

Are you tendering for a mail or parcel contract?POAAL is a membership association that offers a range of services to Mail Contractors.POAAL has published a short guide to some items you should take into consideration when tendering for an Australia Post mail contract.If you are interested in pricing for public liability insurance, marine cargo insurance, personal accident insurance or PDT (general property) insurance, then please ring the staff at the POAAL National Office on (03) 96544533.For information on pricing for workers compensation, vehicle insurance, sickness insurance, and a wide range of other insurances, please contact POAAL's insurance broker GWS Genco Group on 1300 881 229 or visit their website at Group offers a range of services for Mail Contractors, including legal, finance and company advice. They offer excellent service at a price that will suit Mail Contractors' budgets. MCP Group may be able to help you with equipment financing, including vehicle finance. MCP Group also offer a service to set up incorporated companies, as required under the mail contract. For more information, please contact MCP Group on (03) 9620 2001 or visit their website at note that POAAL does not give insurance advice. For advice on any insurance products, please contact insurance brokers GWS Genco Group on 1300 881 229.)
