Membership and insurance renewals for the 2005/06 financial year will soon be sent to POAAL Mail Contractor members. Forms will be sent as soon as the insurance rates for 2005/06 are finalised. Insurance certificates will be issued for public liability insurance, marine cargo insurance and PDT insurance. Please ensure that you give AP copies of your certificates and that you retain the originals. It has been known for AP to mislay originals!If you are a Mail Contractor and not yet a member of POAAL, call the POAAL National Office on (03) 96544533 for information on membership and insurance.POAAL's new insurance broker, GWS Genco Group, now has a national 1300 number. To contact GWS Genco Group from anywhere in Australia for the cost of a local call, dial 1300 881 229.GWS Genco Group can provide quotations on a variety of insurances.